Conversational Writing Exercise – 2 Travel Planning Discussion

Conversational Writingの練習です。今日の課題はTravel Planningです。

Travel Planning Discussion

Write a conversation between two people planning a vacation together. They have different preferences for the trip (e.g., one prefers a beach holiday while the other prefers a cultural city tour). Explore how they negotiate and compromise to plan a trip that suits both of their interests.



Lucy was drinking a cup of coffee and said to Tom.

L: “Honey, how about going to Kyoto, Japan, this summer? I’d love to see Japanese historical buildings.”

T: “The world news says that it is dangerously hot in Japan now. What should we do if we get tired from the heat?”

L: “There are STARBUCKS everywhere in Japan. Besides, there are vending machines and convenience stores open 24 hours.”

T: “Hmm.. honestly, I’d like to go to a place where we can enjoy a tranquil atmosphere rather than a crowded place.”

L: “So, you are ok to go to Japan? How about Yamaguchi? TIME reported it as a place to travel in 2024. Yamaguchi is a place where we can enjoy historical buildings, but it’s not so crowded.”

T: “Really? That sounds good!”



L: 「ねえ、今年の夏、京都、日本に行くのはどう? 日本の歴史的建物を見たいの。」

T: 「今、日本は危険なほど暑いって世界のニュースで言ってるよ。暑さで疲れたらどうするの?」

L: 「日本にはスターバックスが至る所にあるわ。しかも、自動販売機や24時間営業のコンビニもあるの。」

T: 「うーん、正直言って、混んでいる場所よりも静かな雰囲気を楽しめる場所に行きたいな。」

L: 「じゃあ、日本に行くのは大丈夫?山口はどう?TIME誌が2024年の旅行先として報じていたわ。山口は歴史的な建物を楽しめるけど、そんなに混んでいないの。」

T: 「本当?それはいいね!」


英文2回目 Conversational Writing

Lucy sipped her coffee and looked at Tom.

L: “Honey, how about we go to Kyoto, Japan, this summer? I’d love to see some Japanese historical buildings.”

T: “Hmm, but the news says it’s dangerously hot in Japan right now. What should we do if we get too tired from the heat?”

L: “Well, there are Starbucks everywhere in Japan. Plus, there are vending machines and convenience stores open 24 hours.”

T: “I see... but honestly, I’d prefer somewhere with a tranquil atmosphere rather than a crowded place.”

L: “So, you’re okay with going to Japan? How about Yamaguchi then? TIME mentioned it as a place to visit in 2024. Yamaguchi has historical buildings too, but it’s not as crowded.”

T: “Really? That sounds good!”

