Conversational Writingは、友達に話しかけるように、平易な言葉を使ってシンプルに表現する方法です。
Conversational Writingというワードで検索すると、文例がたくさん出てきます。
今日は、Conversational Writingの表現を使って英作文を作ってみます。
In fact, I have been experimenting to see if I can understand French. The condition was to learn French for only 5 minutes a day without any motivation. Under these conditions, I simply repeated the pronunciation of words from an app. However, I found that I was able to pronounce some words smoothly. This was a surprising discovery for me. It’s often said that practice makes perfect, and this may hold true as long as I can maintain my pace without faltering.
Conversational Writing
同じ文章をConversational Writingで書くとこうなるそうです。私はわからないので、ChatGPTに上の英文を入れ、Conversational Writingで書いてくださいとお願いしました。本当に語り掛けるような、やさしい文体になりますね。
You know, I’ve been trying out this experiment to see if I can pick up French. The deal was just 5 minutes a day, no real motivation. So, all I did was repeat words from this app, working on the pronunciation. Surprisingly, I started getting some of them down smoothly. It was pretty unexpected! They say practice makes perfect, right? So, I guess as long as I keep going at this pace without losing steam, it might just work out.
Conversational Writingの文は発音しやすい
実際2つの文を音読してみると、Conversational Writingの文は音読しやすいです。繰り返せば自分の言葉になりそうだと思いました。必要に応じてFormalとConversational が使い分けられるようになるといいですね。